Our Affiliates

The Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs collaborates with various national and in- ternational organizations to promote justice, the rule of law, and good governance. These affiliates include:

Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB)

The URSB handles the registration of businesses, intellectual property, civil registrations, and other related services. It plays a crucial role in supporting the legal and regulatory framework of Uganda.

Judicial Service Commission (JSC)

The JSC is responsible for the appointment, discipline, and promotion of judicial officers in Uganda. It ensures the judiciary operates with integrity and efficiency.

Justice Law & Order Sector (JLOS)

JLOS is a sector-wide approach to reforming the justice system in Uganda. It includes vari- ous institutions working together to improve access to justice, law enforcement, and the protection of human rights.

Electoral Commission

The Electoral Commission is tasked with organizing and conducting elections and referenda in Uganda. It ensures that the electoral process is transparent, free, and fair.

Uganda Law Reform Commission (ULRC)

The ULRC is responsible for reviewing and recommending reforms to Uganda’s legal system. Its work ensures that the laws remain relevant and effective in addressing current and future challenges.

Judiciary of Uganda

The Judiciary is an independent body responsible for the administration of justice in Uganda. It ensures that justice is accessible to all citizens and upholds the rule of law through its various courts.

Uganda Law Society

The Uganda Law Society is a professional association for lawyers in Uganda. It works to maintain high standards of professional conduct and promotes the interests of the legal profession and the public.

Law Development Centre (LDC)

The Law Development Centre provides legal education and training for legal practitioners in Uganda. It also publishes legal materials and conducts research to support the develop- ment of the legal profession.

Directorate of Public Prosecutions (DPP)

The Directorate of Public Prosecutions is responsible for prosecuting criminal cases on behalf of the government. It ensures that offenders are brought to justice and that the rights of victims are protected.

Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC)

The Uganda Human Rights Commission is an independent body that promotes and protects human rights in Uganda. It investigates human rights violations and provides recommenda- tions to the government.

Uganda Police Force

The Uganda Police Force works closely with the Ministry of Justice to enforce laws, main- tain public order, and ensure the safety and security of citizens.

Uganda Prisons Service

The Prisons Service is responsible for the custody and rehabilitation of offenders. It works to reform and reintegrate inmates into society while ensuring humane treatment.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

Various NGOs partner with the Ministry of Justice to provide legal aid, support human rights, and promote legal awareness among the public. These organizations play a critical role in complementing the Ministry’s efforts to ensure justice for all.

International Development Partners

The Ministry collaborates with international development partners such as the United Na- tions, the European Union, and other bilateral and multilateral organizations. These part- ners provide technical and financial support for justice sector reforms and capacity-build- ing initiatives.